Saturday, March 23, 2013

12 Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes...

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.

Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry is own weight, this is a frightening prospect.

One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes... and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.

We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does not care at all.

It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.

It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

The giving of love is an education in itself.

Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Free Diving with Seals

Free diver provides a unique perspective on the seals that she is swimming with...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tornado Photography

Impressive storm chaser video leads up to some remarkable tornado photography...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cat Stares at Sleeping Owner

Cute and amusing, cat looks as if he's praying for owner to wake up...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Super Cute Kitten Versus Two Apples

Super cute kitten combine with a great sound track all make for an epic battle between one kitten and two green apples...

Midway's Finest Caramel Apple Dip - 8 lb. - 6 pk. (Google Affiliate Ad)

Snowy New Hampshire...

Snowy day in New Hampshire - 3/19/13.

Monday, March 18, 2013

14 Frank Lloyd Wright Quotes

There is nothing more uncommon than common sense.

Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities.

Nature is my manifestation of God. I go to nature every day for inspiration in the day's work. I follow in building the principles which nature has used in its domain.

Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.

Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.

The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.

Art for art's sake is a philosophy of the well-fed.

The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.

Harvard takes perfectly good plums as students, and turns them into prunes.

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.

If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger.

No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other.

New York City is a great monument to the power of money and greed... a race for rent.

Well, now that he's finished one building, he'll go write four books about it.

Sunday, March 17, 2013