Thursday, October 1, 2015

Pumpkin, Potatoes and Peppers

Welcome October. Just picked potatoes, peppers, and a pumpkin. Who knew a day would come when I'd find potatoes so exciting.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Friday, May 9, 2014

Relaunching Broad Side of the Barn Web Site Design of Development Site

Welcome to our revamped web site.  We provide web solutions specific to your individual and business needs.  Please check out our website at Broad Side of the Barn to see how we can assist you in developing and enhancing your web presence.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates and additional services.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What Is Your Dream Job?

Rambling Web has moved. Read entire Dream Job article.


"I was recently laid off from a small company where I served as the Web Developer / Web Designer of several websites. While this is my chosen field, I definitely did not grow up thinking 'I want to be a web master when I grow up,' and certainly didn't grow up thinking, 'I want to be a web mistress when I grow up.' Not only was there no internet to speak of at the time, the absurdity of the job titles would have DQ'd them instantly.

So as I work to get my own sites and resume together, I have been thinking: What would truly be my 'dream job.' First up, 'Furniture Maker & Service Dog Trainer.' This job combination truly fits the 'dream' category, as any realistic look at this as an option knocks it right off the potential job list. First and foremost, I have no furniture making skills. Am handy enough that if someone was in desperate need of a table, I could probably put one together. However, I'm not interested in being a lousy furniture maker. Second, I don't have the appropriate set up for even owning a dog let alone training a service dog. This doesn't get crossed off my 'maybe some day' list, but it certainly doesn't cut it as either a source of income or a practical short term objective..."

Read entire article: Dream Job at Rambling Web

Friday, April 11, 2014

PEM - Peobody Essex Musem Exhibits Good for Children

Rambling Web Has Moved read full article at A Good Week for Kids to Attend the Peobody Essex Museum...

"The Peobody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass. is currently featuring three exhibits that are well suited for children. The 'California Design 1930-1965 Living in a Modern Way' is good for adults and children. It's fun, colorful, and interesting; an entertaining history lesson on the rapid development of California based off its unique style . It is also an excellent introduction to industrial design. The exhibit runs through July.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA 1964 Studebaker Avanti - Entry way of the Peobody Essex Museum

'From Here to Ear' or 'FreePort [No. 007]: Céleste Boursier-Mougenot'..."

Continue Reading: A Good Week for Kids to Attend the Peobody Essex Museum