Showing posts with label doctors health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctors health care. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Obama's 100 Doctors

President Obama has attempted to sell his health plan to the American people on two previous occasions by by standing in front of a large group of supportive nurses. Yet this failed to do the trick so this time President Obama invited two doctors from each state in the union to the White House to show people out there that there really are professionals that support the President's health care reforms. This time would be serious, this time they'd have their doctor's outfits on. One poor doctor who showed up without his white coat looked sadly out of place, but never fear the Obama administration is here with a spare coat at the ready. Don't want a doctor to lose all his super powers with no white coat, and besides who wants to wreck a pretty picture of 100 properly attired doctors with the President of the United States.

This photo op was such a powerful image that the administration looked for other ways to visually convince Americans to support other Obama administration proposals.

In fact they held one doctor over and convinced another familiar face to help sell the President's second stimulus plan...

This was such a success that later that same day came the announcement the the Justice Department would be addressing the concerns of illegal aliens...

Then came President Obama's surprise announcement of the appointment of his two new green job czars...

Finally President Obama, under advisement from his most recent appointments, decided green aliens would receive a government stimulus check if they cashed in their used space ship for a newer more fuel efficient model...

Obama - How to Sell a Plan